ISKM Lucknow

ISKM Lucknow distributed an amazing 800 plates of Prasadam over the weekend to the public. It was simply extraordinary considering the fact that it was done by two Matajis only. We hope that Lord Krishna and Srila Prabhupada continue to bless them in their superhuman efforts to liberate the fallen souls of this age.

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ISKM Puducherry

Another successful preaching program was done at Sri Sri Varadaraja Svami temple at Yamanesvaram, Ramanathapuram district Tamil Nadu where both Prasadam and book distributions took place

Prasadam was made by morning 4 am and offered to the Lord. We like to thank our sponsor Bhakta Nikhil and we pray that most merciful Sri Sri Radha Vedapurisvara bless him and the people who accepted the Prasadam.

Khichdi Prasadam – 23 kilos, 650 to 700 plates

Book distribution – 70 small books & 1 Bhagavad Gita

Prasadam was prepared by Bhakta Boopalan Prabhu, Mataji and Bhakta Ayappa. We would like to also thank Bhakta Boopalan Prabhu, HG Prahlad Bhakta Prabhu and HG Pavanesvara Prabhu who gave tips for prasadam distribution.