The definitive video on the Ṛtvik system of initiations — Ritvik – The Bona Fide System — has quickly become extremely popular with the inquisitive class of devotees. The video answers some burning questions regarding the standard procedure for initiations and the principle of disciplic succession. It offers a clear and concise answer to all of the problems within ISKCON. Due to the profound impact it has created on devotees from all around the world, we have decided to translate the video into other languages so that there is as less resistance as possible to consume the critical content presented therein. Well today, we proudly announce the release of the German version of the video — Ritvik – Ein authentisches System. Actually it has been released on the 14th of March, but we are reporting a little late here.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank His Grace Mohana Gopāla Prabhu from Germany for promptly contributing the German translation of the original video and Nimāi Nitāi Prabhu from China/Canada for his super-excellent production of the video.

Jaya Śrīla Prabhupāda!